Affiliated with British Dressage, the Centre has hosted events on their behalf for over 20 years.
These are generally held monthly at all levels from Prelim to advanced PYO (including Grand Prix where judge availability permits) all year round. We even run Freestyle Dressage to Music classes too.
Quest Club is a series of events run by British Dressage encouraging the less serious riders to either compete at Intro, Prelim and Novice levels in MyQuest individual classes or team together with 3-4 friends and compete in TeamQuest classes. The nice thing about TeamQuest is all team members can ride at the same level so you could have 4 riders competing all at Intro level if you want - its great for building team spirit and confidence without the added stress that often comes without prompt on a show day. Quest Club runs from January to August for the Summer season, qualifying for a semi-final in September and a final in October. And Quet have a short Winter series running September to December where riders and teams simply gain points and rise up the Leaderboard with top placings at the end of December being awarded.
But we recognise not all of you want to join British Dressage and look to have a more relaxed competition life so almost all our unaffiliated dressage runs typically Intro to Novice levels, typically we also run a PYO class where any test included music can be selected.
All of our unaffiliated dressage shows are 'come as you are' meaning you do not need to wear show gear and can have any combination of tack on if you want - all we do is deduct a -2 penalty per rule offence for wrong tack or clothing as per British Dressage rules. There will be no elimination either, except in the event of a fall. We do ask however that you get into the habit of displaying 2 bridle/saddle cloth numbers and wear gloves. Despite BD banning the Quantum bridle, in our unaffiliated dressage comps this bridle is allowed.
During the summer months we run evening dressage too.
New in 2024 we held a Prix Caprilli event which is a dressage test with 2 jumps in it. This is a blast from the past having been popular 20+ years ago but was a great hit so its back in the calendar for 2025!
Well what can I say other than this is just great fun for all with small prizes for the class winners.
We start as low as 20/25cm botton hole and encourage riders to be led/assisted at this level. We peak at 1m classes at our unaffiliated events,
In 2021 we started to intersperse clear round 'classes' between our height classes and this format has proved really popular.
From January to July we host Sunshine Tour qualifiers too.
Through the summer we also run evening jumping splitting usually across 2 days in 1 week to be able to cover all heights.
We encourage all our jumping competitors to enter online in advance. Only if entries are low are competitions opened up to entries on the day. Riders are then given a drawn order individual jumping time.
We currently hire our course in from SMP Events who provide a fantastic service of providing bright and vibrant obstacles and build as per our course builders plan which is forwarded in advance
We also host clinics with Essex based BS accredited coach and course designer David Everett
A fun clinic aimed at everyone! Whether you have a happy hacker, youngster, oldies, competition horse or childs pony, I cater for everyone.
This clinic will help with horse confidence, rider confidence, help bomb proof your horse and socialisation for horses.
The clinic can either be done ridden, in hand or you can start in hand and then get on board once you have tackled the obstacles.
Some months there will be a timed competition for each group with the fastest participants over the day winning prizes.
Visiting professionals hire the arena or venue to host their own events and clinics.
For the jumping enthusiasts, Essex based BS course builder & trainer David Everett is on board with regular clinics throughout the year.
In 2022 Confidence Clinics have been introduced run by Jo Carroll Equine Services. These are aimed at the riders wanting to build up to a little course of jumps. Starting with polework and finishing on a teeny tiny course of jumps.
Showing Shows have come back on the calendar in 2022 with LB Equestrian Events, PoshNags, Pukka Ponies and Colette's Horse Shows all hosting different scheduled events for the showing community, some with qualifiers for Equifest and Sunshine Tour.
New in 2024 we have Polework Clinics with accredited trainer Claire Stryzyk.
We are always keen to introduce new concept clinics and welcome you to contact us - we're cheaper than you think with hire for clinics on a per horse per hour basis. Hire for ticketed events are either on a % ticket sale or % profit basis.
In 2024 we introduced fun hobby horse shows.
Mostly jumping events, this is aimed at absolutely anyone and encourages non pony owning kids to come out, run around with like minded kids, make friends and have a blast at the same time!
We start as low as 20cm so that the younger kids can literally step over aided by mum/dad or a brother/sister.
And don't worry if you don't have a hobby horse, we have 3 available for hire on the day.
I can guarantee you will leave with a child who will sleep like a log that evening.